Senior Project Coordinator-Grant Projects:: :: !!!

Senior Project Coordinator-Grant Projects

 Location- Delhi

Roles & Responsibilities:

Project Management:

1. He/She will be responsible for managing day to day activities in close coordination with project teams and Funding Agencies all across project locations assigned by AIILSG

2.To Facilitate, Motivate & Manage the internal or external stakeholders/ project team and guide them for operational challenges and issues

3.He/she should be completely responsible for project deliverables assigned as per project requirements

4.To undertake the day to day smooth management and implementation of the project and ensure the delivery of resources and project outputs as per planned targets

5.To prepare work plans, ensure proper delivery of technical services and submission of reports/documentations on time as per project guidelines

6.To follow and ensure the guidelines of project related to finance, procurement, human resources and adhered the inspiring team environment to clear communication culture at workplace.

7.To be able to develop proposals for funding agencies such as UNDP, ADB, Corporate social responsibility 

8.Must have good networking skills to connect with funders, corporates for funding etc or any other tasks as assigned by the Team Lead.

Advocacy and Partnership Building:

1.To establish and maintain partnership building with project stakeholders (CBOS, CSOs, Government Bodies, Academia, donors etc.), to create and develop the project cross linkage with their ongoing relevant project and programmes for reinforcing the impact of project.

2.To prepare terms of reference for Project, Stakeholders/Consultants/Experts and ensure their participation and involvement in the project with transparency and accountability

3.Support the project regional office and mobilisation of resources from different partners, including preparation of strategies, project briefs, Project documents, coordination of regular meetings and field visits.

Program Development, Planning & Implementation:

1.To follow the project timelines, timely submission of reports and ensure the quality of project outcomes and its execution at field level as per project guidelines

2.To prepare necessary strategic document related to the project design and implementation (such as policy, paper work, result framework and etc.)

3.To aware and share the new synthesis and best practices learned according to the current market trends

4.To suggest innovative ways for management of queries, challenges and development of unique/innovative modules for project achievements

5. Any other relevant/additional duties assigned by project directors and senior authorities of the organization.

Education & Experience

Masters in Urban Planning / Development Studies (from reputed college/universities) with Graduate/Post graduate with 5 to 10 years of experience in funding projects, proposal preparation, project management etc.

Please share the CVs


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